Thursday, February 24, 2005

Talk about Exhausted

Well last night we had a pretty big (well loud at least) Thunderstorm come through and for about an hour and a half I didn't sleep, nor did Brianna, or Dara. So being at work I'm physically exhausted, now I am mentally exhausted after overhauling this script we're gonna shoot regarding traffic in and around San Antonio. Trust me when I say this city has got some messed up drivers. So now I just want to go home and take a nap, but can't because I have to get dinner for Brianna and myself, throw in some laundry, do the dishes, and pick up the livingroom. Oh yeah and do our finances to make sure we can pay some people back. Plastic is bad!! Cars are blackholes!! Taxes suck!! And when you're in the hole you mine as well enjoy it, climbing out is an impossibility.
Well now that I'm done with that...I'm glad some of you are posting comments. Don't worry about my brother's comments, he's harmless...I think. My next post should be a good one with some pix of me and R. Lee Ermey- that Drill Sergeant guy from 'Full Metal Jacket' and History Channels 'Mail Call.' We have to shoot an Air Force PSA with him early sunday morning. I'm looking forward to it except for the being there at 5:30 am. Well ciao for now.