So i haven't been real good at keeping things up to date on here. Where have I been the last month and a half...sinking into a depression about where my life isn't going right now. I'm totally envious of my brother off in LA at the Film School I wanted to go to years ago but couldn't, I'm busy working real hard at base cause a whole bunch of people have left, are leaving, will leave, and I'm picking up the slack; and we're getting ready to move onto base (thank God, it's about time). Plus I've just started an exercise program that yes I bought from an infomercial on TV. I'll let you know if it's worth the time and money. It's not that I can't do it on my own, it's that i don't know what to do and how to do it. This way I pop in the DVD and follow the various 30-40 minute workout programs. And let me tell you by the end of them I am wiped out. But after a cool shower I feel toally refreshed and ready to take on the day. Dara is 31 weeks now, and ready for this boy to come out. She's due August 4th but we figure (hope) it will be mid to end July. Brianna is becoming more and more sassy, much to our chagrin (sp) but she is still one of the most talkative, smartest, creative kids we know.
Well so long for now.
A New Addition...
14 years ago