Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Close Call!

I got called into the Chief's office earlier today at work (3/2/05) and was told I was being pulled for Third-World Country Nationalist Duty, TCN for short. It's basically a babysitting job in a foreign nation that they give us Airmen so we can get some deployments and experience under our belts. Well needless to say leaving for 120 days around mid March to early April didn't strike me as very good. I was more than likely going to miss my second child's birth. Not too mention Dara knows no one down here. So of course i'm a little upset. I felt like i had just gotten back with them and now being told i was leaving again. Well after telling Dara and both of us getting upset, Chief called saying another airman in my flight was willing to take my place. (Cheif obviuosly knew how upset i was, he saw me.) Yeah!
Or is it, cause now I'll have to be deployed AFTER the baby is born leaving Dara with two kids. Honestly people, think long and hard before joining the military, it's not for everyone (like me). There are days where i think i would have gladly taken up two jobs and a smaller apt in Tulsa than this. But there are other days where i really have a sense of Patriotism. So when four years is up I'll look back and said, "I made it."

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